Earnings Disclaimer
Updated 08 July, 2022
SimpleSocialTools.com does not endorse or support any get rich quick programs nor does it promote overnight success. Success in business requires a strong work ethic, unwavering commitment and developing the skills needed to earn more financially. Legally, we can not and do not make any guarantees regarding income, results or your ability to earn any income with our affiliate program, training sessions or strategies.
SimpleSocialTools.com may offer a referral program that provides educational digital products and services. While we are extremely proud of the opportunity this program provides and the affiliates who have done very well, it’s important to understand that we do not guarantee any income or earnings and your individual results will vary depending on several factors, such as market conditions, work ethic, marketing knowledge, your audience, influence and countless other factors. If income projections, promises, guarantees or expectations were presented to you prior to your enrollment, such projections are not endorsed or supported by GameChangingAcademy.com or any other authorized representative of GameChangingAcademy.com. Additionally, those income projections should not be considered as guarantees or valid expectations or projections of your earnings potential.